What We Do
Reverse Search Philosophy
Hidden executive jobs and board seats are obviously more difficult to uncover. Consequently, there are typically fewer applicants for these openings than for advertised positions. Contacting the person, to whom you would directly report, affords you the opportunity to get ahead of the game by applying for the position first.
Surveys indicate that as many as 85% of all openings are unadvertised or hidden. Employers and boards are too busy to advertise, do not want to screen large numbers of resumes, are unsure of their needs, or do not find advertising to be cost and time effective. There are many other reasons why employers may not post a vacancy in their company: timeliness, lack of funds, a backlog in human resources… the list is endless.
Our success derives from our commitment to generating, for you, an extremely focused list of contacts in companies where your skills and talents will most likely generate interest. We isolate industries where your experience is likely to be in demand, create a compelling resume and cover note, and ensure it gets in the hands of the person with the power to hire you for an executive position or appoint you to a board seat. It is critical that you get these people to share your biography with other key decision makers. You can achieve this through diligent and well-planned follow-up calls. We offer instructions on how to deliver your information, get past the “gatekeepers” on the telephone, and make effective follow-up calls. In addition, we will act as your personal coaches throughout the process.
The “reverse search” methodology generates results. We provide a powerful tool that can be difficult and time-consuming to develop on your own. The rest, however, depends on your motivation, enthusiasm, and level of commitment to securing and smoothing your executive transition.